
How to read a Japanese payslip

公開日 2020年03月19日

更新日 2021年11月22日

*How to read a Japanese payslip*


For Filipinos who are living here in Japan, this is your guide on how to read the Japanese Payslip.

You should receive a paper or an electronic wage slip from your monthly salary paid by your company. Your net salary will consist of your Earnings – Deductions. Wage slips may differ from one company to another but here is a kanji cheat sheet to decode your salary in Japan.


1. 勤怠きんたい
Work attendance
所定しょてい就労しゅうろう日ひ Fixed workday 21.00
出勤しゅっきん日ひ数すう Actual worked day 20.00
休日きゅうじつ出勤しゅっきん日数ひすう Day off day 0.00
欠勤けっきん日数ひすう Leave day taken 0.00
所定しょてい労働ろうどう時間じかん Fixed working hours 168:00
実働じつどう時間じかん Actual worked hours 174:46
遅刻ちこく早退そうたい回数かいすう Lateness or early leave time 0:00
遅刻ちこく早退そうたい時間じかん Lateness or early issued
普通ふつう残業ざんぎょう時間じかん Regular overtime hours 20:05
深夜しんや残業ざんぎょう時間じかん Midnight shift overtime hours 2:10
休日きゅうじつ勤務きんむ時間じかん Holiday overtime hours 0:00
有休ゆうきゅう日数ひすう Paid leave used 2.00
有休ゆうきゅう残ざん日数ひすう Paid leave balance 26.00
税額表ぜいがくひょう甲かぶと欄らん Payer (if your company)
扶養ふよう人数にんすう Number of dependents


3. 支給しきゅう
基本給きほんきゅう Base salary 320,000
役付やくつき手当てあて Position allowance 10,000
家族かぞく手当てあて Family allowance 10,000
皆勤かいきん手当てあて Perfect attendance allowance 5,000
普通ふつう残業ざんぎょう手当てあて Regular overwork allowance 49,907
深夜しんや残業ざんぎょう手当てあて Midnight shift overwork allowance 5,815
休日きゅうじつ勤務きんむ手当てあて Holiday overwork allowance 0
非課税ひかぜい通勤費つうきんひ Non-taxable commuting allowance 4,500
遅刻ちこく早退そうたい控除こうじょ Lateness or early leave penalty/deduction 771
合計ごうけい Sum 404,451


4. 控除こうじょ
健康保険けんこうほけん料りょう Health insurance fee 16,810
介護かいご保険料ほけんりょう Nursing Care insurance 2,562
厚生年金こうせいねんきん保険料ほけんりょう Welfare Pension insurance 29,290
雇用こよう保険料ほけんりょう Unemployment insurance 3,235
所得税しょとくぜい Income tax 12,490
住民税じゅうみんぜい Inhabitant tax 7,500
財形貯蓄ざいけいちょちく Employee’s savings 20,000
合計ごうけい Sum 93,887


5. その他ほか
前回ぜんかい端数はすう預より Previous salary deduction from rounding up sum 614
今回こんかい端数はすう預より This salary deduction from rounding up sum 178
合計ごうけい Sum 436


差引さしひき支給額しきゅうがく Net payments 311,000


7. 振込ふりこみ支給額しきゅうがく
Amount transferred
振込ふりこみ支給しきゅう Amount transferred 311,000
合計ごうけい Sum 311,000


現金げんきん支給額しきゅうがく Actual cash payments


現物支給げんぶつしきゅう額ひたい Goods or non-cash payments value


課税かぜい支給しきゅう累計るいけい Total taxable income (yearly) 744,951
社会保険しゃかいほけん累計るいけい Total accumulated social insurance 102,343
所得税しょとくぜい累計るいけい Total accumulated income tax 20,180


Average salaries in Japan

Average yearly salary in Japan by industry (2016 data from the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication)

Industry Average monthly net salary
On average (all) ¥315,590
Mining and quarrying of stone and gravel ¥322,133
Construction ¥386,049
Manufacturing ¥378,447
Electricity, gas, heat supply and water ¥557,079
Information and communications ¥487,441
Transport and postal activities ¥340,132
Wholesale and retail trade ¥272,488
Finance and insurance ¥466,011
Real estate and goods rental and leasing ¥367,048
Scientific research, professional and technical services ¥459,143
Accommodations, eating and drinking services ¥126,652
Living-related and personal services and amusement services ¥203,755
Education, learning support ¥383,465
Medical, health care and welfare ¥294,986
Compound services ¥385,771
Services(not elsewhere classified) ¥258,579


Average monthly salary in Japan by industry, average age, year of service, male/female (2016 data from the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication)

  Male Female
Industry Average age Average length of service in year Average monthly net salary Average age Average length of service in year Average monthly net salary
Mining and quarrying of stone and gravel 46.6 13.5 ¥367,000 44.1 11.3 ¥260,000
Construction 44.6 13.8 ¥380,000 41.4 10.6 ¥262,000
Manufacturing 42.2 15.2 ¥363,000 42.4 11.8 ¥235,000
Electricity, gas, heat supply and water 42.7 19.5 ¥480,000 40.3 16.0 ¥364,000
Information and communications 40.4 13.5 ¥427,000 36.4 9.2 ¥327,000
Transport and postal activities 46.8 12.1 ¥338,000 42.0 9.5 ¥249,000
Wholesale and retail trade 42.3 14.3 ¥368,000 39.2 9.6 ¥247,000
Finance and insurance 43.2 16.1 ¥504,000 40.6 11.5 ¥298,000
Real estate and goods rental and leasing 43.7 10.6 ¥386,000 39.4 8.1 ¥270,000
Scientific research, professional and technical services 43.1 13.5 ¥431,000 38.5 9.2 ¥312,000
Accommodations, eating and drinking services 42.0 9.5 ¥299,000 39.7 7.2 ¥214,000
Living-related and personal services and amusement services 40.8 10.2 ¥308,000 38.1 7.8 ¥226,000
Education, learning support 46.2 13.1 ¥449,000 39.2 9.4 ¥314,000
Medical, health care and welfare 40.5 8.4 ¥370,000 41.3 8.3 ¥273,000
Compound services 42.6 15.5 ¥340,000 40.3 11.1 ¥234,000
Services (not elsewhere classified) 44.7 9.1 ¥306,000 40.7 6.4 ¥238,000
