公開日 2021年10月18日
更新日 2021年11月23日
98% decrease in (reported) COVID-19 cases in about a month… Isn’t that good news?
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government announced that it confirmed 87 new cases of the novel coronavirus on Monday. It marked the lowest daily tally in the capital in 11 months, and the first below the 100-mark since Nov. 2 last year, when 87 new infections were reported.
The average number of new infections over the past week fell to 197, marking the first time the number has been below 200 this year. During this process, infections increase and decrease. CiDER director Yoshiharu Matsuura noted that the coronavirus is more susceptible to mutation than the influenza virus, which is seasonal and undergoes only small changes before spreading in the winter.
The coronavirus pandemic has become the world’s greatest crisis of the twenty-first century. Here in Japan, economic activity has stagnated due to the spread of infections, and ordinary people who drive the economy have been compelled to change their daily lives in unprecedented ways in order to adapt to the situation.
The world will not be able to return to the way things were before the coronavirus pandemic. but Little by little, a more positive mood in Japan has appeared as the government system changes. While hoping for improvements in the country’s medical system, people increasingly looked forward to economic recovery, particularly in the restaurant and tourism industries.
Japan’s society and economy are expected to gradually start moving again towards the new normal, but the hardships, distress, and new lifestyles experienced during the coronavirus pandemic will not be forgotten.
but remember,
“You may not always have a comfortable life. And you will not always be able to solve all the world’s problems all at once. But don’t ever underestimate the impact you can have, because history has shown us that courage can be contagious, and hope can take on a life of its own.” — Michelle Obama
Always, stay safe.